Monday, March 10, 2014


The documentary Blackfish inspired me to paint a Killer Whale. We go whale watching every year.
We join the tourists, and hop on the big boats, and go for a joy ride for a couple of hours.
And we get to see some whales.
We all go crazy and take lots of pictures.
I must have taken a million pictures of this male swimming as we followed him.
I was sad when we changed direction to look for more whales.
We found a mother Killer Whale with an older daughter and this years baby.
How cool is that.
we watched them swim around for awhile.
I can't help but feel, that Whales should be free.
Swimming in the ocean where they belong.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Little Warrior

Crab painting, that i named Little Warrior.
I love crabs, they fascinate me. They can live in water and on land.
They are brave little souls.
Everything loves to eat them, so do i. They are very tasty.
The thing that i love most about crabs is their courage.
They live their lives to the fullest, in the moment.
As if to say to the rest of the world.
Dance like no-one is watching.
laugh without fear and Run real fast !