Sunday, December 12, 2021

Creating art in my Studio

This is the final setup. My favorite area is the fireplace wall.

I love the effect art has on the human body.

The happy seal corner. 

So much life going on here. There really is no need to look out a window. 


Oh yes , the pond.

As an artist, I express how I see and view life. My feelings, and soul go into my paintings. Leaving a piece of me behind. All the moments and thoughts I had are forever with that piece.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Creating the Dream Studio

Creating the dream studio

It has been awhile since I added a new post. I have mostly been adding pictures of the new paintings as I made them in my 12x12 series.
They were not the only things I have been working on.

I have decided to create my dream studio. First, i created a vision and decided that this room will do nicely. As you can see in the picture, it is dark. Dark red and yellow trim. It felt more like a cave then a place of inspiration.

Some natural light does come through, but not much. So i rolled up my sleeves and stared the work.

There was a lot of wall repair. and sanding.

The room was a mess. It felt like i was never going to finish the prep work. I don't know about you , but i hate sanding and filling. 

I was so excited when it was time to paint that i totally forgot to take pictures of the trim being done. 3 coats of white. I used Dulux white on white paint. OMG i love that white and i am so happy with the results.

So off to the races. Painting walls and cutting in all the areas i can't roll.
Yipee !

Two coats later and my room is finished. what a transformation. yup, i have a massive grin on my face. Again i used Dulux paint. This blue feels amazing. 

Oh yes, my little buddy checking the progress. As you can see i primed an electric fireplace. It use to be a dark cherry red. my mom gave it to me. I wanted it to feel as if it were part of the room. i painted it, the same color as the trim.

I wanted a feature, piece of furniture. This puppy was perfect. i do love having a fireplace in my studio. 

At last. Let the fun begin. I can start moving myself in.

Moving into my dream studio.
It's a happy day.


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Square Foot series

I have started a 12x12 series of finger paintings of fish. On my facebook page i am asking people to name that fishi. The idea is for people to give me suggestions of their fish names that they had in the past or just invent a name. The name the fish gets. Will always be connected to the person who named that fishi. I am hoping that people feel that they are a part of my artwork and this journey called life. Here are the first 14 of the series. 

Thank you Anne Bonny for creating this name.
12x12 in oils. 

Beautiful name created by Jeannie Crossan
12x12 in oils.

Thank you Lorraine Lamontagne for creating the name
12x12 in oils.

Angel wings
Thank you June Dawson for creating this name.
12x12 in oils.

12x12 in oils

12x12 in oils

Thank you Pam Nichols for creating this name.
12x12 in oils

12x12 in oils

12x12 in oils

12x12 in oils

Bubbles and Fin
12x12 in oils

Sebastian and Atlantis
12x12 in oils

Drake and Ember
12x12 in oils

Cleo and Cypress
12x12 in oils

I think I have enough koi here to fill a small pond. These small paintings are wonderful for those small spaces we have in our homes. Here in my studio I have grouped them together.