Sunday, April 25, 2021

Square Foot series

I have started a 12x12 series of finger paintings of fish. On my facebook page i am asking people to name that fishi. The idea is for people to give me suggestions of their fish names that they had in the past or just invent a name. The name the fish gets. Will always be connected to the person who named that fishi. I am hoping that people feel that they are a part of my artwork and this journey called life. Here are the first 14 of the series. 

Thank you Anne Bonny for creating this name.
12x12 in oils. 

Beautiful name created by Jeannie Crossan
12x12 in oils.

Thank you Lorraine Lamontagne for creating the name
12x12 in oils.

Angel wings
Thank you June Dawson for creating this name.
12x12 in oils.

12x12 in oils

12x12 in oils

Thank you Pam Nichols for creating this name.
12x12 in oils

12x12 in oils

12x12 in oils

12x12 in oils

Bubbles and Fin
12x12 in oils

Sebastian and Atlantis
12x12 in oils

Drake and Ember
12x12 in oils

Cleo and Cypress
12x12 in oils

I think I have enough koi here to fill a small pond. These small paintings are wonderful for those small spaces we have in our homes. Here in my studio I have grouped them together.


Mother's Day

Mother's day is quick approaching.
I did my first giveaway on facebook.
It was fun and a good learning curve. it was only a 3 day event
to figure out how facebook ads work.
Not as scary as i thought, it didn't break the
Today i decide who i will send what? to.
Well actually i figured who it is.
Pam from ohio will be getting a message from me today letting her know.
I am grateful for all the people who have shared and entered the promo.
I don't know where this journey is going to take me but i am looking forward to meeting new people and sharing my passion of art.


Thursday, April 22, 2021

Microsoft sway program


Wednesday, April 21, 2021

 (1) Inet | Facebook

Click on the link to win a sweet 9x12 print of What?

This is my first giveaway, excited to see how it goes.

He is one of my favorite paintings.
Thanks to a good friend who took the picture as my inspiration.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

 You can now find my original paintings for sale on line at Pacific Arts Market. I am just one artist among 50 other Canadian artist. Check the website out for online sales or better yet come into the store and view all the original art work. Lots of original gifts that are a one of a kind besides the beautiful paintings that can be admired in person. Paintings Vancouver | Pacific Arts Market | Gift Store

Update. I am no longer at Pacific Arts Market.
It was a wonderful experience

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The joy of making Art.
Like most artist I am on a treasure hunt looking for inspiration.
I wonder around in deep thought looking at colors , texture, and the effects of light.
I take too many photos and am completely disorganized with them all.
I would rather do art then take the time to organize pictures.

There are places a wondering soul stubbles upon that captures imagination.
curiosity fuels the senses .

I find myself standing in wonder and awe.
Most times feeling grateful 


Monday, April 5, 2021

                                                  Inet Sladecek Art | Fine Art America



Hi..My name is Inet and I am a Canadian artist
I finger paint creating impasto style paintings.
The link above will take you to my site where you can order prints,
masks, cards, totes, and other goodies.