Thursday, July 17, 2014

David Langevin Workshop

Yipee road trip.
Once again, off to a workshop with my besties  friend Stef.
This time we did a David Langevin workshop at the end of may in Merritt.
David was fabulous, In the beginning he gave us a lesson about light, color, glazes, and so much more.
He didn't hold anything back. i learned a lot from this workshop. The ladies from Merritt were wonderful.
We did a potluck dinner our first night there. Not only are these ladies, great artist, my god, they are chiefs too.
This is a tree painting that David did. So, for the rest of the workshop we did our version of that tree, learning how to paint like David. And applying everything we learned in the first part of the workshop.
This is the painting i did in the workshop. And i managed to capture some of the other paintings that other people did. so i thought i would share those too. Enjoy
We ended the workshop with David giving us a demo.
How awesome is that.
I had a great time, thanks David !

Then we were off to Cache Creek to check out Stef's new digs
LOVE her new digs

ok, she does not live in a rock, its just the view. breathless.

This is where she lives and she is making a fire in the old wood stove.
super cool.
I can honestly say, i had the best time ever.

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