Monday, January 3, 2022

Happy New Year

 2022 , a restart, a new beginning, fresh start. every new year is an opportunity to reset yourself or some things in life in general. For me , i like to revisit my goals and tasks and revamp what isn't working for me at this time. 

I seem to do my best thinking when my mind is distracted. This year i decided to revamp a small table. Just sitting in quiet and painting, helps me hop off the hamster wheel of overthinking. 

As my new project takes life. i feel content and happy. The flow of feelings and clarity of thought.
The more investment i give this project the more i feel calm and time seems to stop. 

I feel this was my perfect distraction project and feel that i will doing more of this. Being creative as i take time off being creative.

The little coffee table is almost done. My goals settings for 2022 has more clarity.
I am ready to start my new series.

Most of all , i am tickled pink with my coffee table.
Those blue eyes make me smile.

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