Saturday, February 22, 2014

Finding inspiration on the roadside.

I love the feeling of motion. Some of the best times i have had in life was in a car exploring my surroundings. The most wonderful gems are in my back yard. I like to always carry a camera with me. You never know when a photo op appears.  My friend Stefanie And I were driving around Merritt and she took a detour to check out dragon mt.
the landscape and the colors took my breath away. what a wonderful discovery.
You just never know what is around the corner, i guess life is just that way. I wonder if that is the secret to keeping young. Always being in a state of wonder and joy. Taking in every breath and letting out a weeeeeeeeeeeeee.
That is when i saw her, and fell in love. I actually think she is posing for me to take a picture.
Painting her was so much fun. 

I have nicknamed her spot.


  1. Great day that was...and GREAT painting of Spot. Thanks for sharing your joy...:)

  2. well, you are the one that drove us to dragon mt, and i must say it was a cool place. it was like driving into " my secret garden" and more.
